Source code for causalnex.structure.notears

# Copyright 2019-2020 QuantumBlack Visual Analytics Limited
# The methods found in this file are derived from a repository under Apache 2.0:
# DAGs with NO TEARS.
# @inproceedings{zheng2018dags,
#     author = {Zheng, Xun and Aragam, Bryon and Ravikumar, Pradeep and Xing, Eric P.},
#     booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
#     title = {{DAGs with NO TEARS: Continuous Optimization for Structure Learning}},
#     year = {2018},
#     codebase = {}
# }
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Tools to learn a ``StructureModel`` which describes the conditional dependencies between variables in a dataset.

import logging
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, Tuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.linalg as slin
import scipy.optimize as sopt

from causalnex.structure.structuremodel import StructureModel

__all__ = ["from_numpy", "from_pandas", "from_numpy_lasso", "from_pandas_lasso"]

[docs]def from_numpy( X: np.ndarray, max_iter: int = 100, h_tol: float = 1e-8, w_threshold: float = 0.0, tabu_edges: List[Tuple[int, int]] = None, tabu_parent_nodes: List[int] = None, tabu_child_nodes: List[int] = None, ) -> StructureModel: """ Learn the `StructureModel`, the graph structure describing conditional dependencies between variables in data presented as a numpy array. The optimisation is to minimise a score function :math:`F(W)` over the graph's weighted adjacency matrix, :math:`W`, subject to the a constraint function :math:`h(W)`, where :math:`h(W) == 0` characterises an acyclic graph. :math:`h(W) > 0` is a continuous, differentiable function that encapsulated how acyclic the graph is (less == more acyclic). Full details of this approach to structure learning are provided in the publication: Based on DAGs with NO TEARS. @inproceedings{zheng2018dags, author = {Zheng, Xun and Aragam, Bryon and Ravikumar, Pradeep and Xing, Eric P.}, booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems}, title = {{DAGs with NO TEARS: Continuous Optimization for Structure Learning}}, year = {2018}, codebase = {} } Args: X: 2d input data, axis=0 is data rows, axis=1 is data columns. Data must be row oriented. max_iter: max number of dual ascent steps during optimisation. h_tol: exit if h(W) < h_tol (as opposed to strict definition of 0). w_threshold: fixed threshold for absolute edge weights. tabu_edges: list of edges(from, to) not to be included in the graph. tabu_parent_nodes: list of nodes banned from being a parent of any other nodes. tabu_child_nodes: list of nodes banned from being a child of any other nodes. Returns: StructureModel: a graph of conditional dependencies between data variables. Raises: ValueError: If X does not contain data. """ # n examples, d properties _, d = X.shape bnds = [ (0, 0) if i == j else (0, 0) if tabu_edges is not None and (i, j) in tabu_edges else (0, 0) if tabu_parent_nodes is not None and i in tabu_parent_nodes else (0, 0) if tabu_child_nodes is not None and j in tabu_child_nodes else (None, None) for i in range(d) for j in range(d) ] return _learn_structure(X, bnds, max_iter, h_tol, w_threshold)
[docs]def from_numpy_lasso( X: np.ndarray, beta: float, max_iter: int = 100, h_tol: float = 1e-8, w_threshold: float = 0.0, tabu_edges: List[Tuple[int, int]] = None, tabu_parent_nodes: List[int] = None, tabu_child_nodes: List[int] = None, ) -> StructureModel: """ Learn the `StructureModel`, the graph structure with lasso regularisation describing conditional dependencies between variables in data presented as a numpy array. Based on DAGs with NO TEARS. @inproceedings{zheng2018dags, author = {Zheng, Xun and Aragam, Bryon and Ravikumar, Pradeep and Xing, Eric P.}, booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems}, title = {{DAGs with NO TEARS: Continuous Optimization for Structure Learning}}, year = {2018}, codebase = {} } Args: X: 2d input data, axis=0 is data rows, axis=1 is data columns. Data must be row oriented. beta: Constant that multiplies the lasso term. max_iter: max number of dual ascent steps during optimisation. h_tol: exit if h(W) < h_tol (as opposed to strict definition of 0). w_threshold: fixed threshold for absolute edge weights. tabu_edges: list of edges(from, to) not to be included in the graph. tabu_parent_nodes: list of nodes banned from being a parent of any other nodes. tabu_child_nodes: list of nodes banned from being a child of any other nodes. Returns: StructureModel: a graph of conditional dependencies between data variables. Raises: ValueError: If X does not contain data. """ # n examples, d properties _, d = X.shape bnds = [ (0, 0) if i == j else (0, 0) if tabu_edges is not None and (i, j) in tabu_edges else (0, 0) if tabu_parent_nodes is not None and i in tabu_parent_nodes else (0, 0) if tabu_child_nodes is not None and j in tabu_child_nodes else (None, None) for i in range(d) for j in range(d) ] * 2 return _learn_structure_lasso(X, beta, bnds, max_iter, h_tol, w_threshold)
[docs]def from_pandas( X: pd.DataFrame, max_iter: int = 100, h_tol: float = 1e-8, w_threshold: float = 0.0, tabu_edges: List[Tuple[str, str]] = None, tabu_parent_nodes: List[str] = None, tabu_child_nodes: List[str] = None, ) -> StructureModel: """ Learn the `StructureModel`, the graph structure describing conditional dependencies between variables in data presented as a pandas dataframe. The optimisation is to minimise a score function :math:`F(W)` over the graph's weighted adjacency matrix, :math:`W`, subject to the a constraint function :math:`h(W)`, where :math:`h(W) == 0` characterises an acyclic graph. :math:`h(W) > 0` is a continuous, differentiable function that encapsulated how acyclic the graph is (less == more acyclic). Full details of this approach to structure learning are provided in the publication: Based on DAGs with NO TEARS. @inproceedings{zheng2018dags, author = {Zheng, Xun and Aragam, Bryon and Ravikumar, Pradeep and Xing, Eric P.}, booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems}, title = {{DAGs with NO TEARS: Continuous Optimization for Structure Learning}}, year = {2018}, codebase = {} } Args: X: input data. max_iter: max number of dual ascent steps during optimisation. h_tol: exit if h(W) < h_tol (as opposed to strict definition of 0). w_threshold: fixed threshold for absolute edge weights. tabu_edges: list of edges(from, to) not to be included in the graph. tabu_parent_nodes: list of nodes banned from being a parent of any other nodes. tabu_child_nodes: list of nodes banned from being a child of any other nodes. Returns: StructureModel: graph of conditional dependencies between data variables. Raises: ValueError: If X does not contain data. """ data = deepcopy(X) non_numeric_cols = data.select_dtypes(exclude="number").columns if len(non_numeric_cols) > 0: raise ValueError( "All columns must have numeric data. " "Consider mapping the following columns to int {non_numeric_cols}".format( non_numeric_cols=non_numeric_cols ) ) col_idx = {c: i for i, c in enumerate(data.columns)} idx_col = {i: c for c, i in col_idx.items()} if tabu_edges: tabu_edges = [(col_idx[u], col_idx[v]) for u, v in tabu_edges] if tabu_parent_nodes: tabu_parent_nodes = [col_idx[n] for n in tabu_parent_nodes] if tabu_child_nodes: tabu_child_nodes = [col_idx[n] for n in tabu_child_nodes] g = from_numpy( data.values, max_iter, h_tol, w_threshold, tabu_edges, tabu_parent_nodes, tabu_child_nodes, ) sm = StructureModel() sm.add_nodes_from(data.columns) sm.add_weighted_edges_from( [(idx_col[u], idx_col[v], w) for u, v, w in"weight")], origin="learned", ) return sm
[docs]def from_pandas_lasso( X: pd.DataFrame, beta: float, max_iter: int = 100, h_tol: float = 1e-8, w_threshold: float = 0.0, tabu_edges: List[Tuple[str, str]] = None, tabu_parent_nodes: List[str] = None, tabu_child_nodes: List[str] = None, ) -> StructureModel: """ Learn the `StructureModel`, the graph structure with lasso regularisation describing conditional dependencies between variables in data presented as a pandas dataframe. Based on DAGs with NO TEARS. @inproceedings{zheng2018dags, author = {Zheng, Xun and Aragam, Bryon and Ravikumar, Pradeep and Xing, Eric P.}, booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems}, title = {{DAGs with NO TEARS: Continuous Optimization for Structure Learning}}, year = {2018}, codebase = {} } Args: X: input data. beta: Constant that multiplies the lasso term. max_iter: max number of dual ascent steps during optimisation. h_tol: exit if h(W) < h_tol (as opposed to strict definition of 0). w_threshold: fixed threshold for absolute edge weights. tabu_edges: list of edges(from, to) not to be included in the graph. tabu_parent_nodes: list of nodes banned from being a parent of any other nodes. tabu_child_nodes: list of nodes banned from being a child of any other nodes. Returns: StructureModel: graph of conditional dependencies between data variables. Raises: ValueError: If X does not contain data. """ data = deepcopy(X) non_numeric_cols = data.select_dtypes(exclude="number").columns if not non_numeric_cols.empty: raise ValueError( "All columns must have numeric data. " "Consider mapping the following columns to int {non_numeric_cols}".format( non_numeric_cols=non_numeric_cols ) ) col_idx = {c: i for i, c in enumerate(data.columns)} idx_col = {i: c for c, i in col_idx.items()} if tabu_edges: tabu_edges = [(col_idx[u], col_idx[v]) for u, v in tabu_edges] if tabu_parent_nodes: tabu_parent_nodes = [col_idx[n] for n in tabu_parent_nodes] if tabu_child_nodes: tabu_child_nodes = [col_idx[n] for n in tabu_child_nodes] g = from_numpy_lasso( data.values, beta, max_iter, h_tol, w_threshold, tabu_edges, tabu_parent_nodes, tabu_child_nodes, ) sm = StructureModel() sm.add_nodes_from(data.columns) sm.add_weighted_edges_from( [(idx_col[u], idx_col[v], w) for u, v, w in"weight")], origin="learned", ) return sm
def _learn_structure( X: np.ndarray, bnds, max_iter: int = 100, h_tol: float = 1e-8, w_threshold: float = 0.0, ) -> StructureModel: """ Based on initial implementation at """ def _h(w: np.ndarray) -> float: """ Constraint function of the NOTEARS algorithm. Args: w: current adjacency matrix. Returns: float: DAGness of the adjacency matrix (0 == DAG, >0 == cyclic). """ W = w.reshape([d, d]) return np.trace(slin.expm(W * W)) - d def _func(w: np.ndarray) -> float: """ Objective function that the NOTEARS algorithm tries to minimise. Args: w: current adjacency matrix. Returns: float: objective. """ W = w.reshape([d, d]) loss = 0.5 / n * np.square(np.linalg.norm(, d) - W), "fro")) h = _h(W) return loss + 0.5 * rho * h * h + alpha * h def _grad(w: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Gradient function used to compute next step in NOTEARS algorithm. Args: w: the current adjacency matrix. Returns: np.ndarray: gradient vector. """ W = w.reshape([d, d]) loss_grad = -1.0 / n *, d) - W) E = slin.expm(W * W) obj_grad = loss_grad + (rho * (np.trace(E) - d) + alpha) * E.T * W * 2 return obj_grad.flatten() if X.size == 0: raise ValueError("Input data X is empty, cannot learn any structure")"Learning structure using 'NOTEARS' optimisation.") # n examples, d properties n, d = X.shape # initialise matrix to zeros w_est, w_new = np.zeros(d * d), np.zeros(d * d) # initialise weights and constraints rho, alpha, h, h_new = 1.0, 0.0, np.inf, np.inf # start optimisation for n_iter in range(max_iter): while rho < 1e20: sol = sopt.minimize(_func, w_est, method="L-BFGS-B", jac=_grad, bounds=bnds) w_new = sol.x h_new = _h(w_new) if h_new > 0.25 * h: rho *= 10 else: break w_est, h = w_new, h_new alpha += rho * h if h <= h_tol: break if h > h_tol and n_iter == max_iter - 1: warnings.warn("Failed to converge. Consider increasing max_iter.") w_est[np.abs(w_est) <= w_threshold] = 0 return StructureModel(w_est.reshape([d, d])) def _learn_structure_lasso( X: np.ndarray, beta: float, bnds, max_iter: int = 100, h_tol: float = 1e-8, w_threshold: float = 0.0, ) -> StructureModel: """ Based on initial implementation at """ def _h(w_vec: np.ndarray) -> float: """ Constraint function of the NOTEARS algorithm with lasso regularisation. Args: w_vec: weight vector (wpos and wneg). Returns: float: DAGness of the adjacency matrix (0 == DAG, >0 == cyclic). """ W = w_vec.reshape([d, d]) return np.trace(slin.expm(W * W)) - d def _func(w_vec: np.ndarray) -> float: """ Objective function that the NOTEARS algorithm with lasso regularisation tries to minimise. Args: w_vec: weight vector (wpos and wneg). Returns: float: objective. """ w_pos = w_vec[: d ** 2] w_neg = w_vec[d ** 2 :] wmat_pos = w_pos.reshape([d, d]) wmat_neg = w_neg.reshape([d, d]) wmat = wmat_pos - wmat_neg loss = 0.5 / n * np.square(np.linalg.norm(, d) - wmat), "fro")) h_val = _h(wmat) return loss + 0.5 * rho * h_val * h_val + alpha * h_val + beta * w_vec.sum() def _grad(w_vec: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Gradient function used to compute next step in NOTEARS algorithm with lasso regularisation. Args: w_vec: weight vector (wpos and wneg). Returns: np.ndarray: gradient vector. """ w_pos = w_vec[: d ** 2] w_neg = w_vec[d ** 2 :] grad_vec = np.zeros(2 * d ** 2) wmat_pos = w_pos.reshape([d, d]) wmat_neg = w_neg.reshape([d, d]) wmat = wmat_pos - wmat_neg loss_grad = -1.0 / n *, d) - wmat) exp_hdmrd = slin.expm(wmat * wmat) obj_grad = ( loss_grad + (rho * (np.trace(exp_hdmrd) - d) + alpha) * exp_hdmrd.T * wmat * 2 ) lbd_grad = beta * np.ones(d * d) grad_vec[: d ** 2] = obj_grad.flatten() + lbd_grad grad_vec[d ** 2 :] = -obj_grad.flatten() + lbd_grad return grad_vec if X.size == 0: raise ValueError("Input data X is empty, cannot learn any structure") "Learning structure using 'NOTEARS' optimisation with lasso regularisation." ) n, d = X.shape w_est, w_new = np.zeros(2 * d * d), np.zeros(2 * d * d) rho, alpha, h_val, h_new = 1.0, 0.0, np.inf, np.inf for n_iter in range(max_iter): while rho < 1e20: sol = sopt.minimize(_func, w_est, method="L-BFGS-B", jac=_grad, bounds=bnds) w_new = sol.x h_new = _h( w_new[: d ** 2].reshape([d, d]) - w_new[d ** 2 :].reshape([d, d]) ) if h_new > 0.25 * h_val: rho *= 10 else: break w_est, h_val = w_new, h_new alpha += rho * h_val if h_val <= h_tol: break if h_val > h_tol and n_iter == max_iter - 1: warnings.warn("Failed to converge. Consider increasing max_iter.") w_new = w_est[: d ** 2].reshape([d, d]) - w_est[d ** 2 :].reshape([d, d]) w_new[np.abs(w_new) < w_threshold] = 0 return StructureModel(w_new.reshape([d, d]))